Black and white retail illustration on cardboard illustration board in colored pencil and graphite with white paint details; a faint light blue sketch can be seen beneath the final image; image of a woman on the left side of the page with her back turned, face in profile view and a hand resting on her right hip; she wears an extremely elaborate and flashy outfit; her sheath dress has a zig-zag pattern of sequins, with the top and bottom points of every other row having especially large, shining gems; this pattern continues down her sleeve, but at her elbow and waist, it transitions into 100% sequins; rectangular beads outline this transition; a large, white fur scarf is draped across her shoulders, crossing her front neck to show off the back of the dress; on her head is a pillbox hat with fishnet covering her forehead and small feathers coming out the back; across her right shoulder, she holds a bouquet surrounded by artistic dots; below her are various objects, such as a necklace, shoe, bow, and handbag; a balloon and confetti graphic is at the top left in dark ink, likely referencing the information on the wax paper overlay- “Black Rose. Experience the new Black Rose. Our second anniversary continues and you can expect the unexpected. 35% off beautiful anniversary savings on store wide selections for you. Sportswear, evening wear, dresses, fashion accessories, women’s shoes, gift collections, bridal. Also, up to 50% Savidusky furs and up to 20% off Blossoms floral. ALL SALES FINAL. A marvelous way to welcome the holiday season. Follow the excitement and pop a balloon for special Black Rose gifts for you. Come save on exceptional values and see the new holiday glamour arriving daily at the new Black Rose in our new location. Atrium Fashion Mall, 5618 Odana Rd. 273-1888. Hours---“; additionally, “457272” is written at the bottom in black pen; the cardboard cover to protect the illustration has Ellen Dudley’s logo; measures 15 inches wide by 20 inches tall.
Dudley, Ellen
Donor: Terry Straavaldsen
Is Part Of
Ellen Dudley Exhibit
Object ID #2024.04.22.ab
Fashion drawing
Still Image
Still Shot
Dudley, Ellen, “Illustration,” Mount Mary University Digital Collections, accessed March 18, 2025, https://digitalcollections.mtmary.edu/items/show/4299.