How to Use This Site
Browsing and Searching the Digital Fashion Archive
To browse a designer's or artist's work or the wardrobe of a notable personality, see the list of exhibits to the left. Each exhibit begins with a brief biography followed by a gallery of items. Each item can be clicked into to see more information and to zoom in and use the 360° image controls.
To browse by other factors, or to search for items, click the Browse Items link at the top right of every page. Browsing by Tag allows users to select a particular "tag" (color, item type, material, etc.) and see a list of items with that feature. Searching Items offers the opportunity to search by keyword or, in the "Narrow by Specific Fields" section, to search for particular dates, identifiers (Object ID #s), etc.
Using the 360° Images
Contact us with questions, comments, or suggestions, using the form at the bottom of the Digital Fashion Archive homepage!