Mount Mary Student and SSND Designs

Model wearing a dress designed by student Barb Newby. The dress is featured in the Digital Fashion Archive, Object ID #2005.03.03.
Source: Arches 1970 (Mount Mary College yearbook), School Sisters of Notre Dame North American Archives
Mount Mary's Fashion Archive contains many works designed by students, alumnae, the School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND), and other faculty who taught at Mount Mary. This collection highlights unique pieces designed between the mid-1950s and 2010, showcasing the couture techniques taught in the program's early years.
It includes garments designed by noted fashion program alumnae Karen Davidson and Donna Ricco, and by Sister Remy Revor, who taught in the art program for decades. The 2023 “Outstanding Senior Collection” award-winning collection, "Anomaly" by student Patricia Golden, appears in its entirety. Also included is a famous dress designed by Sister Aloyse Hessburg, founder of Mount Mary's fashion program, and worn by United States Senator Chuck Robb's mother, Frances Howard Robb, when he married Lynda Bird Johnson, daughter of President Lyndon Johnson, in 1967.

Group photo of Charles Robb and Lynda Bird Johnson wedding party at the White House, December 9, 1967. Mrs. Frances Howard Robb is third from right, wearing a yellow dress designed and created by Sister Aloyse Hessburg of Mount Mary. The dress is featured in the Digital Fashion Archive, Object ID #1967.01.
Source: School Sisters of Notre Dame North American Archives
Students and Alumnae
Patricia Golden - “Anomaly” - 2023 “Outstanding Senior Collection” award winner
Patricia Latina Golden’s three loves: astronomy, ancient folk stories and fashion. The collection highlights the inherent strength of women, particularly as represented by Tiamat, the Mesopotamian goddess of the sea. The epic tale Enūma Eliš begins in a state of primordial chaos, where Tiamat’s death ultimately results in the creation of the heavens and earth. Golden drew inspiration for her interpretation of Tiamat’s story from the texture of meteorite surfaces, parallel dimensions, and the vastness of space.
School Sisters of Notre Dame
Miscelleanous Designs